Pasadena Physical Elder Abuse Attorney
Physical elder abuse is a distressing and harmful form of mistreatment that occurs when an older adult experiences intentional physical harm or pain at the hands of a caregiver, family member, or someone in a position of trust and responsibility.

This abuse can lead to severe injuries, emotional trauma, and a decline in an elder’s overall well-being. Physical elder abuse is a severe issue that devastates the victims. Recognizing the signs, reporting abuse, and seeking legal intervention when necessary are crucial steps to protect the rights and well-being of older adults. If you suspect physical elder abuse, contact our physical elder abuse attorney in Pasadena from McNally Law Office to help the victim and hold the perpetrator accountable for their actions.
Different Signs of Physical Elder Abuse
Identifying signs of physical elder abuse is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of older adults. These signs may manifest in various ways, and it’s essential to be observant and attentive to any indicators of abuse. Here are some common signs of physical elder abuse:
- Unexplained Injuries
- Injuries in Different Stages of Healing
- Unusual Patterns of Injury
- Fear or Anxiety
- Reluctance to Discuss Injuries
- Sudden Changes in Behavior
- Signs of Restraint
It’s essential to remember that these signs do not guarantee that abuse is occurring, but they should prompt concern and further investigation. If you suspect physical elder abuse, it’s crucial to report it to the appropriate authorities or organizations responsible for protecting vulnerable adults. Addressing elder abuse requires taking swift action to ensure the safety and well-being of older adults and holding abusers accountable for their actions.
Steps to Take After Physical Elder Abuse
If you suspect or have evidence of physical elder abuse, taking immediate action is crucial to protect the safety and well-being of the older adult involved. Here are the steps to take after physical elder abuse:
- The safety and immediate well-being of the older adult are the top priorities. Call 911 or your local emergency number if they are in immediate danger.
- If the older adult has been injured, arrange a medical evaluation as soon as possible. Ensure that medical professionals adequately document any injuries.
- Carefully document all visible injuries, taking photos if possible. Note the dates, times, and locations of injuries and any explanations the older adults or caregivers provided.
- Report the abuse to the appropriate authorities. In the United States, this typically involves contacting Adult Protective Services (APS) or your state’s equivalent agency. They are responsible for investigating cases of elder abuse.
- If the physical abuse involves criminal activity, such as assault, battery, or unlawful restraint, contact the local law enforcement agency to file a police report.
- Consult with an attorney who specializes in elder law or personal injury law. Legal advice is vital in protecting the rights and interests of the victim and pursuing compensation or legal action if necessary.
- Speak with the victim to offer support, understand their wishes, and encourage them to share their experiences and concerns. Reassure them that help is available and their safety is the top priority.
- If there were witnesses to the abuse or individuals who may know of it, encourage them to come forward and provide statements.
Remember that elder abuse is severe, and protecting the older adult from further harm is paramount. Taking swift and appropriate action can make a significant difference in the safety and well-being of the victim and may help hold the perpetrator accountable for their actions.
Steps to Prevent Physical Elder Abuse
Preventing physical elder abuse is a critical responsibility, and there are several steps that individuals, families, caregivers, and communities can take to protect older adults from harm. Here are steps to prevent physical elder abuse:
- Through community programs, workshops, and informational campaigns, promote awareness of elder abuse and its various forms, including physical abuse.
- Foster open and respectful communication with older adults. Encourage them to share their experiences, concerns, and fears. Provide them with a safe and non-judgmental environment to discuss any abuse they may be experiencing.
- Help older adults maintain solid social connections with friends, family, and neighbors. Social isolation can make individuals more vulnerable to abuse.
- Be vigilant when selecting caregivers or care providers for older adults. Perform background checks and check references. Consider using reputable, licensed agencies.
- Establish clear expectations for how older adults should be treated. Caregivers, family members, and healthcare professionals should understand and adhere to these standards.
- Frequent visits to older adults in care settings can deter abuse and allow for close monitoring of their well-being.
- Work with older adults to create legal documents that specify their preferences for medical treatment, financial decisions, and who should decide on their behalf if they become incapacitated.
- Address mental health concerns and provide emotional support to older adults at risk of abuse due to emotional or psychological factors.
- Support and advocate for legal protections for older adults, including enforcing elder abuse laws and regulations.
- If you suspect or witness elder abuse, report it to the appropriate authorities, such as Adult Protective Services, and take appropriate action to ensure the victim’s safety.
Preventing physical elder abuse requires a community effort. Educating, advocating, and taking steps to protect older adults can create a safer and more supportive environment for seniors and reduce the risk of physical abuse.
McNally Law Office can Help You
If you suspect your loved one has been the victim of physical elder abuse, taking immediate action is crucial to protect their rights and well-being. Contact our Pasadena physical elder abuse attorney at McNally Law Office, who specializes in elder abuse cases and can help you understand your legal options and take the necessary steps to address the situation. You can call us at (626) 584-5744 for a free consultation.