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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Personal Injury

When you are injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you may have many questions. You may not know where to begin. At McNally Law Office, we answer questions from our injury clients every day, and we are happy to answer your questions, as well. Some of our more common questions include:

How Much Is My Case Worth?

Of course, everyone wants to know the bottom line, but many factors go into figuring out the correct amount of damages for your case. These factors include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • The severity of your injury
  • Property damage

Other factors may also play a role. When we meet with you, we can review all these factors together to give you a better idea of your case’s value.

How Long Will It Take To Resolve My Dispute?

Similar to the question on the value of your case, the length of each case also depends on several factors, including the severity of your injury and whether you settle or go to trial. We do not recommend settling your case before you know the true extent of all your injuries and understand how they will affect you in the future. Going to trial takes much longer than settlement but is the right choice in some cases.

What Is An Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist?

California state law does not require that motorists carry liability insurance, but they must prove they can pay for damages in an accident. If they cannot pay and cause an accident, the other driver may use his or her uninsured motorist coverage to cover the accident, if they have it. You may purchase uninsured motorist coverage as part of your auto insurance policy.

How Much Time Do I Have To File My Personal Injury Claim?

In California, you only have two years to file your claim in most circumstances. In certain claims against the government, you have an even shorter amount of time, so talk to an attorney as soon as possible.

Why Do I Need A Lawyer For My Personal Injury Case?

The truth is, you can settle your case with the insurance company without a lawyer, but we do not recommend it for several reasons. The insurance company is trying to get away with paying you the smallest amount possible. Your only leverage for a higher settlement is the threat of a lawsuit. Without an attorney, you have no leverage. An attorney can also review your case to give you an accurate idea of its value.

What Does “Negligence” Mean?

Under the law, people have a duty of care toward one another to act reasonably and not to injure each other. If someone fails in their duty of care and their actions injure you, they could be liable for those injuries. In order to have a case, however, you must show that your injuries caused damage and put those damages into a dollar figure.

Still Have Questions?

Call our office in Pasadena today at or send us an email to schedule a free consultation. We are ready to answer your questions and start building your case.